Training workshop — Access to justice

Life itself dictates topics and objectives of seminars and projects. “Promoting realization of rights of people with disabilities in Luhansk region concerning ACCESS TO JUSTICE” is an idea of ​​the Project based on appeals from families who raise children with disabilities and requests from people with disabilities and representatives of NGOs.

The situation is very difficult with access to justice for people with disabilities and their family, especially, for people with disabilities who live in Luhansk region where there are problems of injuries, loss of health, houses and jobs.

It often happens that attempts to approach justice end immediately because of lack of information support from the judicial system, uncertainty and fears of citizens of Ukraine.

People with disabilities, their parents, NGOs, representatives of the authorities of Luhansk region examined Article 13 “Access to justice” of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, as well as litigation, results and obstacles concerning protection of their rights.

Participants of the training workshop talked about physical, informational, mental problems and looked for a way out.

That topic was not simple but it was so important for many participants to UNDERSTAND their rights and opportunities to have ACCESS TO JUSTICE, despite the imperfection of the system.

The work continues.

Participants came from Kreminna, Popasna, Zolote, Hirske, Rubizhne, Novopskov, Mylove, Novoaidar and Severodonetsk.

Moderator of the training workshop was Liudmyla Fursova, a Human Rights Expert.

The following people were present at the training workshop:

Lytvynenko Oleksandra – UNHCR;

Ratykhina Ievhenia — Deputy Head of the Department of Youth and Sports of Luhansk Regional State Administration;

Serdiukova Inna- Deputy Director of the Department of Social Protection Luhansk Regional State Administration;

Chybrysova Natalia — Director of Luhansk Regional Branch of Social Protection Fund for Persons with Disabilities.

Information support was provided by National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine.

The Project is implemented under the United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme with the financial support of the European Union and governments of Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland.

The Initiative Center to Support Social Action «Ednannia» administers Project contests.

LRPYO “AYD-East” implements the Project «Promoting realization of rights of people with disabilities in Luhansk region concerning ACCESS TO JUSTICE”.

The purpose of the event was to provide people with disabilities and their families with legal knowledge of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. At the training workshop Article 13 “Access to Justice” was highlighted and discussed; information on the Optional Protocol, its purpose and practical use in personal and public life was provided.

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