Training for women was conducted by Valentyna Balakhtar

01/13/2020 at 6 p.m. a training for women was conducted by Valentyna Balakhtar, a Professor, a Psychologist, and a Research Correspondent of the laboratory of personality psychology named after Chamaty P.R. of the Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine named after Kostiuk H.S.  

The problem is exhaustion and threat of burnout of women, NGO leaders, their overload, fatigue that is greatly exacerbated by the situation caused by COVID-19.

The participants of the event are not just leaders, representatives of civil society organizations — they are women who have health problems, mothers who raise children and young people with disabilities. Unfortunately, all these women do not have enough time to take care of their own psychological and physical strength.

Women are at risk group because their immunity is weakened and they are suffering from constant stress that requires attention to personal health, especially in a situation concerning a coronavirus infection.

This meeting was not just interesting, warm, and very positive but it was a real discovery for all participants of the event!

«I have never thought that I pay so little attention to myself … I just dissolved in work, family, activities …. It seems to me that I do not live because I do not have time for my personal interests, rest, health … «, — wrote Natalia, a participant of the event, immediately after the training.

Meetings with Valentyna Balakhtar will take place every Wednesday at 6 p.m. and links to these meetings will be posted on the project page.

The event was held within the project «Institutional Development of Women’s NGOs of People with Disabilities in Luhansk Region in the situation of COVID-19», supported by UN WOMEN IN UKRAINE and the Norwegian Embassy in Ukraine, implemented by NGO «AMI-EAST».

All areas of support of women and girls with disabilities, women raising children with disabilities are supported by Luhansk Regional Center for Socio-Cultural Adaptation of Youth with special physical needs with assistance of the Department of Youth and Sports of Luhansk Regional State Administration.

Dear Valentyna Balakhtar, thank you very much for your professionalism, optimism and assistance!

And we are very grateful to Valentyna Dobrydina, a Head of Chernivtsi regional NGO «LEADER», for her support, warmth and long-term friendship.

Information support is provided by the National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine.

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