Representatives of the “Union of Samaritans of Ukraine, Kyiv Department”

Girls and women with disabilities, at-risk groups, IDPs of Popasna district and Zolote, Hirske and Toshkivka participated in the opening of Women’s Club “Beregynia”. Representatives of the “Union of Samaritans of Ukraine, Kyiv Department” (Zolote) also came with whom we cooperate fruitfully. They told us about their activities, showed their work, and shared their stories.  The situation is very difficult in this region, but how many good things have been done and how much effort has been made in order to support those who need help.

Psychosocial support for the needy people living along the contact line has been provided. The main focus of the Union is to promote health care, a healthy lifestyle, social care for the sick, people with disabilities, lonely, elderly, children and others who, because of their physical, material or other peculiarities, need social support and care .

In difficult circumstances, women and girls with health problems and of risk groups need assistance and communication; creative activities help them not to feel alone.

Representatives of Women’s Club  “Beregynia” were delighted with the creative works that were presented such as toys, bags, paintings, clothes, drawings, embroidery, etc.

Organizers at the regional level: Youth and Sports Department of Luhansk Regional State Administration, Public Institution “LOTSAMOFM” and LRPYO “AYD-EAST”.

Organizers of the event at the All-Ukrainian level: National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine; “Union of Samaritans of Ukraine, Kyiv Department”